So, according to Dirt as well as being dangerous to society, The Gay Community and ourselves, we're also a danger to children. This isn,t suprising considering her previous comments saying that we are likely to become pedophiles. Slippery sloping herself be saying that child molestation happens and Transgenderism happens, therefore they're connected! Takes a genius to figure that one out, actually it really does because she must have found her own evidence and have some type of deep connection to some God. Most probably hindi, she seems like an Asian Religion convert. Just because shes got that class hangup of hers.
In her blog she talked about a Transman who'se son then decided he was trans, I understand her point I really do. Its either a massive coincidence of the child is copying Daddy. What she didnt seem to realise though, Dirt I mean. Is that the childs father is not putting him on hormone blockers, not giving him surgery. Just treating him as he likes. And when the child hits 16 he'll make his own mind up.
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